German Daggers & Swords | Military & Dress.
A total of 143 items are available. You are currently viewing page 1 of 16.
All the German daggers and swords showcased for sale, are made by great Solingen-makers, for example, Alcoso, Eickhorn, Holler, Voos and WKC. Additionally, many daggers and swords enjoy impeccable provenance, or rich documents to enable further investigation: all benefit from long-term care and conservation, and are in fine - if not exceptional, condition.
Luftwaffe sword portepees, Heer and Kriegsmarine dagger hangers, plus related accoutrements, provide a wealth of important details to enrich your single German dagger, or add the finishing-touch to your expansive, WW2 German dagger collection.
The market for antique arms, armour, and edged weapons, is currently enjoying successful sales. This buoyant trend is reflected in 20th century European edged weapons, particularly the specialised field encompassing WW2 German daggers & swords.
N.B. 'Heer' = German Army. |