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Ulric of England


DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.

DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.
DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.

DFC/DFM Medal Group. 88 & 98 Squadron. K.I.A.


'...coolness, courage and efficiency...'


Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) & Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM) for sale to F/Lt. Charles Binden-Carter, Killed in Action.

The DFC complete with ribbon and dated '1944.'

The DFM engraved ‘1151995 SGT. C. B. CARTER R.A.F.’

The medal group for sale  with Carter’s machine-embroidered Air Gunner breast insignia, and  medal ribbon bearing the DFC, DFM & 1939-45 Star ribbons. The four items as mounted to a black cotton panel.

In addition:

  1. 1. a large period photograph of Carter wearing RAF uniform, with the DFM ribbon (dating the photograph to 1942 or thereabouts). Size: 28.0cm x 19.50cm with borders.

  2. 2. An informal photograph of Carter wearing RAF uniform. Size: 8.30cm x 6cm with borders.

  3. 3. A letter from the Air Ministry to Carter's wife, dated 1st January 1946. The letter inviting Mrs Binden-Carter to attend a Presentation of Decorations at Buckingham Palace, (to receive a  posthumous presentation of the Distinguished Flying Cross by the King).

  4. 4. A letter dated 22nd March 1946 from the Central Chancery of The Orders of Knighthood, inviting Mrs Binden-Carter to attend Buckingham Palace on 9th April 1946 to accept, as next-of-kin, the Distinguished Flying Cross, from the King.

  5. 5. A small RAF wedding announcement (1943). 

  6. 6. A newspaper photograph of Carter and his wife (1943). Carter dressed in RAF uniform. 

  7. 7. Two newspaper articles  confirming Carter’s DFM award (1942).

  8. 8. A post-war article from the Ulster News.  The article detailing Mrs Binden-Carter in general  and her relatively short married life (12 months) in particular. The article with a photograph of Mrs Binden-Carter, and  a photograph of the black cotton framers-panel bearing the two medals, insignia, and ribbon bar (exactly as described above).

Condition report:  The medals in excellent condition, free from damage or contact marks. Both medals on original ribbons, and with silver metal top suspensions. The insignia and ribbon bar removed from a tunic and showing just light use. The large photograph in good condition: some browning to the border. The newspaper articles with folds.

Note: Charles Bindon-Carter was born in Belfast in 1919. Joining the RAF, Carter received the rank of sergeant, and was assigned to 88 Squadron. In July 1942 he was the WO/AG attacking a target near Lille, France.

Although the primary target could not be located due to poor visibility, the aircraft made a low-level attack on another target. Heavy fire from ground-defences led to a cannon-shell entering the gunner’s cockpit, wounding Carter in the hand and arm, and causing a verey cartridge- and other ammunition to explode. Despite wounds (and fire in his cockpit), Carter continued firing at the enemy, extinguishing the fire as-soon-as he was clear. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal on 14th August 1942.

Charles Binden-Carter was assigned to 107 Squadron in 1943. He was recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross on November 9th (the same year). The  recommendation states:

'His (Carter's) formation was attacked by enemy fighters on crossing the coast into occupied territory. These attacks persisted along the whole route to the target. Flying Officer Carter’s direction of evasive action negated the enemy attacks so that his aircraft was undamaged and the bombing carried-out satisfactorily. At other times, when leading aircraft of formations his fire control and directions have been largely responsible for the subsequent safety of his aircraft as well as those of other crews taking part. Flying Officer Carter has set a standard in his squadron which has been the greatest asset to the development of morale, as well as in maintaining gunnery on a high level of skill. I consider him, by his coolness, courage and efficiency to merit the non-immediate award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.'

Carter was later assigned to 98 Squadron. On 25th September 1944 . He served as F/Lt aboard a Mitchell FW194, carrying out an attack on Arnhem, Holland. Other aircraft from 98 Squadron saw Carter's aircraft under attack over the target, (and later on fire). Carter was killed when his aircraft crashed in Arnhem behind a Red Cross hospital.

Carter's grave is unknown: he is however remembered on the Runnymede Memorial.

Provenance: Carter’s family and subsequently one (Belfast-based) collection.

Additional notes: Various copies research documents including photocopy documents from the National Archive.

Price: SOLD

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