Sepp Dietrich | SS General | Signature | LAH Interest.
SS General Sepp Dietrich ink Signature. The 'Dienstvertrag' (Service Agreement) outlines that SS-Mann Günther Martin will agree to serve four years minimum service in the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. The agreement of service starts from 15th October 1937. The document signed both by Günther Martin, and by Sepp Dietrich as Commander of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. The document bearing the ink hand stamp of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. The service agreement was signed at the Berlin-based Lichterfelde Barracks, the home of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.
Condition report: Two files holes. Otherwise clean. Free from fading.
Rarity status (Up to 10 rarest):7/10.
Background to Sepp Dietrich: Josef "Sepp" Dietrich was born 28th May 1892 and died 21st April 1966. Prior to 1929, he was Adolf Hitler's chauffeur and bodyguard but received rapid promotion after his participation in the extrajudicial executions of political opponents during the 1934 purge known as the Night of the Long Knives.
During the 1930s, Dietrich set up Hitler's bodyguard regiment, Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, and by the outbreak of war, this unit had been enlargedand was the crack fighting unit of the Waffen-SS. Dietrich later commanded the 6th Panzer Army during the Battle of the Bulge, and continued as a hands-on General throughout the war - much loved by his troops. Despite having no formal staff officer education, Dietrich was, along with Paul Hausser, the highest ranking officer in the Waffen-SS. After the war Dietrch was imprisoned by the Allies for war crimes and later by West Germany for his involvement in the 1934 purge.
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